Digitalizing the Data Dictionary and Other Report Contextual Information
2023 JMP Discovery (Americas)
Presented: October 17, 2023
Sarah Kalicin, Founder, Achieve More with Data, LLC
Have you gone back to your analysis forgetting how you defined a metric or the general context of your data? Have you had stakeholders asking for this information or confused on how to interpret a metric? Why not try digitizing this information, so that it is easy to convey this information among report periods or across common reports. This helps provide report consistency, making it easier for stakeholders to gain information that they need when interpreting your analysis. It also saves your time, because you have this information in a centralized place. JMP data tables can be used to build data dictionaries and other report facts that can easily populate JMP reports. This presentation will show how you can build this capability, even if you are a basic JMP user or a pro-JSL scripter. Make metric definitions part of the JMP Analytic Workflow vs an afterthought!
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